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- Solar Campaigns
Running a brand campaign
How to set up and run the brand campaign

Who should run the Brand Campaign?
- We recommend branding campaigns for all dealers as part of your campaign stack
Key Campaign Components:
- Landing Page (could be an existing page on the website, 1 hour to review tracking)
- Thank You Page (2 hours)
- Ad Copy (1 hour)
- Facebook and Google Ads creative (3 hours)
Example Messaging:
- Call out specific service areas in ad copy
- Looking for a solar installation in <<area>>? Talk to our team today for your free quote
- Request a quote today
- Learn more about how we can help you with solar
Expected lead types:
- Top of funnel leads
- Usually a cold audience, broad targeting
- Might be interested in solar
- Reinforce your brand if they see you on Google and Facebook