Implementing SMS Sending (MessageMedia) in HubSpot

This process will show you how to send out SMS with MessageMedia - HubSpot integration

1. Prepare a list you want to send SMS to and use that to trigger your workflow
Prepare a list you want to send SMS to and use that to trigger your workflow

2. The workflow Action to select is at the bottom Send SMS/MMS
The workflow Action to select is at the bottom Send SMS/MMS

3. Three main things to remember to set up in this action:

3.a. Phone number - this is the HubSpot contact property where the phone numbers are stored. Select accordingly (ie Phone Number, or Mobile Phone Number)

3.b. Sender ID - This is the Defauls Sender ID you set up in Message Media. See under step 3 here 

3.c Workflow ID - this is a unique identification that you could use later for MessageMedia reporting
Workflow ID is a unique identifier for reporting

Once set up you can turn the workflow ON and send the SMS to the listed contacts.

4. Checking for Insights

4a. In MessageMedia Dashboard

Using your Workflow ID, in the MessageMedia>Reports>Brodacast Reports, you are able to see Delivery Status on the SMS sent.
Delivery status can be found under reports See delivery status in the report dashboard

4b. In HubSpot

You can check on a contact records activity

Sample contact activity of sms for hubspot

Or you may also want to check on the right hand side panel in HubSpot Contact record
HubSpot SMS contact record side panel