Set up your first View to see Contacts you own

Quickly see Contacts you own

Video process:


Written process:

  1. Navigate to Contacts
  2. Across the top of the Contacts table, you'll see tabs like this:

    These are Views. There are some default views and you can create your own custom views.
  3. Click on the view called 'My Contacts'
  4. By default, this view is filtered to only show Contacts where YOU are the Contact Owner:
  5. You can remove views you don't want to see:
  6. And you can add views:
  7. Views created by you and others will appear here:

    Click on them to add them to your Contacts view
  8. In your 'My Contacts' view, you can edit the properties that you see in the table:
  9. Here are some of the most common properties we recommend you add to your view:
  10. Add these to your columns, and click Apply: