Review your solar website hosting

If your solar website is on WordPress, review your hosting to ensure your site is fast and secure. Here's how to review your hosting.

  1. Is your website slow? This is a key indicator that you have cheap hosting. Check your site speed using pingdom website speed test:

  2. Check your results - if your result has a performance grade of or below, it can probably be improved.
  3. Check for large image file sizes - this is a key culprit for slow load times on solar websites. Images can be optimised and file size reduced to improve load time.
  4. Check if your website has lots of redirects - this is another key reason for slow solar websites. Reduce the number of redirects where possible. You may have redirects that you put in place years ago that are no longer needed or are sending traffic around in circles.
  5. If you fix all of the above problems and your website is still slow - it's time to look at a different hosting option.

For solar WordPress websites, we recommend WP Engine. We use and trust WP Engine, the managed WP host trusted by more than 90,000 customers.

Eligibility: if your solar website is on WordPress then you are eligible for transferring your hosting to WP Engine.

What's involved:

  • Transfering your entire current site into a WP Engine instance
  • Review the transition, checking for issues and improvements
  • Organise your DNS update

What you get:

Many of the solar dealers we work with are running on slow hosting. This makes the website difficult to use for internal staff as well as visitors on your website.

The main benefits of upgrading your hosting include:

  • Improved website speed
  • A better user experience
  • Easy and secure backups of your website